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Congratulations to Dr Francesco Furlan on his new publication in Nature Photonics!

Chiral materials and mechanisms for circularly polarized light-emitting diodes

Recent publications


Chiral OLED

Circularly polarized OLEDs (CP-OLEDs) are organic light-emitting diodes that emit circularly polarized light. This circular polarization is valuable because it can reduce screen reflections and improve display contrast. Additionally, CP-OLEDs lower power consumption by reducing the need for filters that typically block unwanted light, making devices more energy-efficient. Our research focuses on developing advanced device structures for CP-OLEDs, based on organic materials, with a major focus on improving the dissymmetry of the emitted light.

Transistor and Phototransistors

We measure charge carrier mobilities values of organic semiconductors with Organic Field-Effect Transistors in all configurations. In addition, we test their light-sensing, electrical switching capabilieties and current amplification in organic thin film phototransistors.


An appealing characteristic of organic semiconductor devices is the integration into emerging in biomedical systems. Artificial retinas, glucose sensors, microelectronics represent exciting examples of the emerging field of organic bioelectronics, which lies at the interface of organic electronics and the biological world. With collaborators from all around the globe we are part of this adventure.