
In the landscape of photovoltaic devices, our group focuses on thin-film materials, organic and perovskite solar cells and their combination in tandem devices. Our approach focuses on the magic triangle of efficiency, stability, and costs with a sustainable strategy.

Organic Photovoltaics

Organic solar cells are quickly approaching 20% power conversion efficiency, however, translating champion devices into roll-to-roll compatible manufacture still poses many challenges for commercialisation. In this context, we design novel materials and blend combinations for roll-to-roll compatible manufacturing processes to integrate OPVs in indoor and outdoor conditions. In addition, we work closely with chemists to engineer transporting layers.

Perovskite-organic Tandem

With our collaborators in the UK and around the World, we combine organic and perovskite solar devices to take the best of the technologies to achieve record performances.

Perovskite Photovoltaics

Our efforts in perovskite photovoltaics are mainly focused on understanding their stability and charge recombination processes.